Class **Phalcon\\Mvc\\Collection\\Document** ============================================ *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\EntityInterface `, `ArrayAccess `_ .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` This component allows Phalcon\\Mvc\\Collection to return rows without an associated entity. This objects implements the ArrayAccess interface to allow access the object as object->x or array[x]. Methods ------- public *boolean* **offsetExists** (*int* $index) Checks whether an offset exists in the document public **offsetGet** (*mixed* $index) Returns the value of a field using the ArrayAccess interfase public **offsetSet** (*mixed* $index, *mixed* $value) Change a value using the ArrayAccess interface public **offsetUnset** (*string* $offset) Rows cannot be changed. It has only been implemented to meet the definition of the ArrayAccess interface public *mixed* **readAttribute** (*string* $attribute) Reads an attribute value by its name .. code-block:: php readAttribute("name"); public **writeAttribute** (*string* $attribute, *mixed* $value) Writes an attribute value by its name .. code-block:: php writeAttribute("name", "Rosey"); public *array* **toArray** () Returns the instance as an array representation