Class **Phalcon\\Cache\\Frontend\\None** ======================================== *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Cache\\FrontendInterface ` .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` Discards any kind of frontend data input. This frontend does not have expiration time or any other options .. code-block:: php "localhost", "port" => "11211", ] ); $cacheKey = "robots_order_id.cache"; // This Frontend always return the data as it's returned by the backend $robots = $cache->get($cacheKey); if ($robots === null) { // This cache doesn't perform any expiration checking, so the data is always expired // Make the database call and populate the variable $robots = Robots::find( [ "order" => "id", ] ); $cache->save($cacheKey, $robots); } // Use $robots :) foreach ($robots as $robot) { echo $robot->name, "\n"; } Methods ------- public **getLifetime** () Returns cache lifetime, always one second expiring content public **isBuffering** () Check whether if frontend is buffering output, always false public **start** () Starts output frontend public *string* **getContent** () Returns output cached content public **stop** () Stops output frontend public **beforeStore** (*mixed* $data) Prepare data to be stored public **afterRetrieve** (*mixed* $data) Prepares data to be retrieved to user