Class **Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter\\Imagick** ========================================== *extends* abstract class :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\AdapterInterface ` Image manipulation support. Allows images to be resized, cropped, etc. .. code-block:: php resize(200, 200)->rotate(90)->crop(100, 100); if ($image->save()) { echo 'success'; } Methods ------- public static *boolean* **check** () Checks if Imagick is enabled public **__construct** (*string* $file, [*unknown* $width], [*unknown* $height]) Phalcon\\Image\\Imagick constructor protected **_resize** (*int* $width, *int* $height) Execute a resize. protected **_liquidRescale** (*unknown* $width, *unknown* $height, *unknown* $delta_x, *unknown* $regidity) This method scales the images using liquid rescaling method. Only support Imagick protected **_crop** (*int* $width, *int* $height, *int* $offset_x, *int* $offset_y) Execute a crop. protected **_rotate** (*int* $degrees) Execute a rotation. protected **_flip** (*int* $direction) Execute a flip. protected **_sharpen** (*int* $amount) Execute a sharpen. protected **_reflection** (*int* $height, *int* $opacity, *boolean* $fade_in) Execute a reflection. protected **_watermark** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` $watermark, *int* $offset_x, *int* $offset_y, *int* $opacity) Execute a watermarking. protected **_text** (*unknown* $text, *int* $offset_x, *int* $offset_y, *int* $opacity, *int* $r, *int* $g, *int* $b, *int* $size, *string* $fontfile) Execute a text protected **_mask** (*unknown* $mask) Composite one image onto another protected **_background** (*int* $r, *int* $g, *int* $b, *int* $opacity) Execute a background. protected **_blur** (*unknown* $radius) Blur image protected **_pixelate** (*unknown* $amount) Pixelate image protected *boolean* **_save** (*string* $file, *int* $quality) Execute a save. protected *string* **_render** (*string* $type, *int* $quality) Execute a render. public **__destruct** () Destroys the loaded image to free up resources. public **getInternalImInstance** () ... public static **setResourceLimit** (*unknown* $resource, *unknown* $limit) ... public *string* **getRealPath** () inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Returns the real path of the image file public *int* **getWidth** () inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Returns the width of images public *int* **getHeight** () inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Returns the height of images public *int* **getType** () inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Returns the type of images public *string* **getMime** () inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Returns the mime of images public *resource* **getImage** () inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Returns the image of images public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **resize** ([*unknown* $width], [*unknown* $height], [*unknown* $master]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Resize the image to the given size. Either the width or the height can be omitted and the image will be resized proportionally. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **liquidRescale** (*unknown* $width, *unknown* $height, [*unknown* $delta_x], [*unknown* $rigidity]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter This method scales the images using liquid rescaling method. Only support Imagick public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **crop** (*unknown* $width, *unknown* $height, [*unknown* $offset_x], [*unknown* $offset_y]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Crop an image to the given size. Either the width or the height can be omitted and the current width or height will be used. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **rotate** (*unknown* $degrees) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Rotate the image by a given amount. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **flip** (*unknown* $direction) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Flip the image along the horizontal or vertical axis. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **sharpen** (*unknown* $amount) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Sharpen the image by a given amount. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **reflection** ([*unknown* $height], [*unknown* $opacity], [*unknown* $fade_in]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Add a reflection to an image. The most opaque part of the reflection will be equal to the opacity setting and fade out to full transparent. Alpha transparency is preserved. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\AdapterInterface ` **watermark** (*unknown* $watermark, [*unknown* $offset_x], [*unknown* $offset_y], [*unknown* $opacity]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Add a watermark to an image with a specified opacity. Alpha transparency will be preserved. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **text** (*unknown* $text, [*unknown* $offset_x], [*unknown* $offset_y], [*unknown* $opacity], [*unknown* $color], [*unknown* $size], [*unknown* $fontfile]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Add a text to an image with a specified opacity. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **mask** (*unknown* $mask) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Composite one image onto another public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **background** (*unknown* $color, [*unknown* $quality]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Set the background color of an image. This is only useful for images with alpha transparency. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **blur** ([*unknown* $radius]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Blur image public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **pixelate** ([*unknown* $amount]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Pixelate image public *boolean* **save** ([*unknown* $file], [*unknown* $quality]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Save the image. If the filename is omitted, the original image will be overwritten. public :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter ` **render** ([*unknown* $type], [*unknown* $quality]) inherited from Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter Render the image and return the binary string.