Class **Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie** =============================== *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\InjectionAwareInterface ` Provide OO wrappers to manage a HTTP cookie Methods ------- public **__construct** (*string* $name, [*mixed* $value], [*int* $expire], [*string* $path], [*boolean* $secure], [*string* $domain], [*boolean* $httpOnly]) Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie constructor public **setDI** (:doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` $dependencyInjector) Sets the dependency injector public :doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` **getDI** () Returns the internal dependency injector public *Phalcon\\Http\\CookieInterface* **setValue** (*string* $value) Sets the cookie's value public *mixed* **getValue** ([*string|array* $filters], [*string* $defaultValue]) Returns the cookie's value public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie ` **send** () Sends the cookie to the HTTP client Stores the cookie definition in session public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie ` **restore** () Reads the cookie-related info from the SESSION to restore the cookie as it was set This method is automatically called internally so normally you don't need to call it public **delete** () Deletes the cookie by setting an expire time in the past public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie ` **useEncryption** (*boolean* $useEncryption) Sets if the cookie must be encrypted/decrypted automatically public *boolean* **isUsingEncryption** () Check if the cookie is using implicit encryption public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie ` **setExpiration** (*int* $expire) Sets the cookie's expiration time public *string* **getExpiration** () Returns the current expiration time public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie ` **setPath** (*string* $path) Sets the cookie's expiration time public *string* **getPath** () Returns the current cookie's path public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie ` **setDomain** (*string* $domain) Sets the domain that the cookie is available to public *string* **getDomain** () Returns the domain that the cookie is available to public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie ` **setSecure** (*boolean* $secure) Sets if the cookie must only be sent when the connection is secure (HTTPS) public *boolean* **getSecure** () Returns whether the cookie must only be sent when the connection is secure (HTTPS) public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Cookie ` **setHttpOnly** (*boolean* $httpOnly) Sets if the cookie is accessible only through the HTTP protocol public *boolean* **getHttpOnly** () Returns if the cookie is accessible only through the HTTP protocol public *mixed* **__toString** () Magic __toString method converts the cookie's value to string