Abstract class **Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter** ======================================= *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Events\\EventsAwareInterface `, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface ` Base class for Phalcon\\Db adapters Methods ------- protected **__construct** () Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter constructor public **setEventsManager** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Events\\ManagerInterface ` $eventsManager) Sets the event manager public :doc:`Phalcon\\Events\\ManagerInterface ` **getEventsManager** () Returns the internal event manager public **setDialect** (*unknown* $dialect) Sets the dialect used to produce the SQL public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\DialectInterface ` **getDialect** () Returns internal dialect instance public *array* **fetchOne** (*string* $sqlQuery, [*int* $fetchMode], [*unknown* $placeholders]) Returns the first row in a SQL query result .. code-block:: php fetchOne("SELECT * FROM robots"); print_r($robot); //Getting first robot with associative indexes only $robot = $connection->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM robots", Phalcon\Db::FETCH_ASSOC); print_r($robot); public *array* **fetchAll** (*string* $sqlQuery, [*int* $fetchMode], [*unknown* $placeholders]) Dumps the complete result of a query into an array .. code-block:: php fetchAll("SELECT * FROM robots", Phalcon\Db::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($robots as $robot) { print_r($robot); } //Getting all robots that contains word "robot" withing the name $robots = $connection->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM robots WHERE name LIKE :name", Phalcon\Db::FETCH_ASSOC, array('name' => '%robot%') ); foreach($robots as $robot){ print_r($robot); } public *boolean* **insert** (*string* $table, *array* $values, [*array* $fields], [*array* $dataTypes]) Inserts data into a table using custom RBDM SQL syntax .. code-block:: php insert( "robots", array("Astro Boy", 1952), array("name", "year") ); //Next SQL sentence is sent to the database system INSERT INTO `robots` (`name`, `year`) VALUES ("Astro boy", 1952); public *boolean* **update** (*string* $table, *array* $fields, *array* $values, [*string* $whereCondition], [*array* $dataTypes]) Updates data on a table using custom RBDM SQL syntax .. code-block:: php update( "robots", array("name"), array("New Astro Boy"), "id = 101" ); //Next SQL sentence is sent to the database system UPDATE `robots` SET `name` = "Astro boy" WHERE id = 101 public *boolean* **delete** (*string* $table, [*string* $whereCondition], [*array* $placeholders], [*array* $dataTypes]) Deletes data from a table using custom RBDM SQL syntax .. code-block:: php delete( "robots", "id = 101" ); //Next SQL sentence is generated DELETE FROM `robots` WHERE `id` = 101 public *string* **getColumnList** (*array* $columnList) Gets a list of columns public *string* **limit** (*string* $sqlQuery, *int* $number) Appends a LIMIT clause to $sqlQuery argument .. code-block:: php limit("SELECT * FROM robots", 5); public *string* **tableExists** (*string* $tableName, [*string* $schemaName]) Generates SQL checking for the existence of a schema.table .. code-block:: php tableExists("blog", "posts")); public *string* **viewExists** (*string* $viewName, [*string* $schemaName]) Generates SQL checking for the existence of a schema.view .. code-block:: php viewExists("active_users", "posts")); public *string* **forUpdate** (*string* $sqlQuery) Returns a SQL modified with a FOR UPDATE clause public *string* **sharedLock** (*string* $sqlQuery) Returns a SQL modified with a LOCK IN SHARE MODE clause public *boolean* **createTable** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, *array* $definition) Creates a table public *boolean* **dropTable** (*string* $tableName, [*string* $schemaName], [*boolean* $ifExists]) Drops a table from a schema/database public *boolean* **createView** (*unknown* $viewName, *array* $definition, [*string* $schemaName]) Creates a view public *boolean* **dropView** (*string* $viewName, [*string* $schemaName], [*boolean* $ifExists]) Drops a view public *boolean* **addColumn** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` $column) Adds a column to a table public *boolean* **modifyColumn** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` $column) Modifies a table column based on a definition public *boolean* **dropColumn** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, *string* $columnName) Drops a column from a table public *boolean* **addIndex** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\IndexInterface ` $index) Adds an index to a table public *boolean* **dropIndex** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, *string* $indexName) Drop an index from a table public *boolean* **addPrimaryKey** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\IndexInterface ` $index) Adds a primary key to a table public *boolean* **dropPrimaryKey** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName) Drops a table's primary key public *boolean true* **addForeignKey** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ReferenceInterface ` $reference) Adds a foreign key to a table public *boolean true* **dropForeignKey** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, *string* $referenceName) Drops a foreign key from a table public *string* **getColumnDefinition** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` $column) Returns the SQL column definition from a column public *array* **listTables** ([*string* $schemaName]) List all tables on a database .. code-block:: php listTables("blog")); public *array* **listViews** ([*string* $schemaName]) List all views on a database .. code-block:: php listViews("blog")); ?> public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\Index ` [] **describeIndexes** (*string* $table, [*string* $schema]) Lists table indexes .. code-block:: php describeIndexes('robots_parts')); public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\Reference ` [] **describeReferences** (*string* $table, [*string* $schema]) Lists table references .. code-block:: php describeReferences('robots_parts')); public *array* **tableOptions** (*string* $tableName, [*string* $schemaName]) Gets creation options from a table .. code-block:: php tableOptions('robots')); public *boolean* **createSavepoint** (*string* $name) Creates a new savepoint public *boolean* **releaseSavepoint** (*string* $name) Releases given savepoint public *boolean* **rollbackSavepoint** (*string* $name) Rollbacks given savepoint public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface ` **setNestedTransactionsWithSavepoints** (*boolean* $nestedTransactionsWithSavepoints) Set if nested transactions should use savepoints public *boolean* **isNestedTransactionsWithSavepoints** () Returns if nested transactions should use savepoints public *string* **getNestedTransactionSavepointName** () Returns the savepoint name to use for nested transactions public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\RawValue ` **getDefaultIdValue** () Returns the default identity value to be inserted in an identity column .. code-block:: php insert( "robots", array($connection->getDefaultIdValue(), "Astro Boy", 1952), array("id", "name", "year") ); public *boolean* **supportSequences** () Check whether the database system requires a sequence to produce auto-numeric values public *boolean* **useExplicitIdValue** () Check whether the database system requires an explicit value for identity columns public *array* **getDescriptor** () Return descriptor used to connect to the active database public *string* **getConnectionId** () Gets the active connection unique identifier public *string* **getSQLStatement** () Active SQL statement in the object public *string* **getRealSQLStatement** () Active SQL statement in the object without replace bound paramters public *array* **getSQLVariables** () Active SQL statement in the object public *array* **getSQLBindTypes** () Active SQL statement in the object public *string* **getType** () Returns type of database system the adapter is used for public *string* **getDialectType** () Returns the name of the dialect used abstract public *boolean* **connect** ([*array* $descriptor]) inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface This method is automatically called in Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter\\Pdo constructor. Call it when you need to restore a database connection abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ResultInterface ` **query** (*string* $sqlStatement, [*array* $placeholders], [*array* $dataTypes]) inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Sends SQL statements to the database server returning the success state. Use this method only when the SQL statement sent to the server return rows abstract public *boolean* **execute** (*string* $sqlStatement, [*array* $placeholders], [*array* $dataTypes]) inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Sends SQL statements to the database server returning the success state. Use this method only when the SQL statement sent to the server don't return any row abstract public *int* **affectedRows** () inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Returns the number of affected rows by the last INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE reported by the database system abstract public *boolean* **close** () inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Closes active connection returning success. Phalcon automatically closes and destroys active connections within Phalcon\\Db\\Pool abstract public *string* **escapeIdentifier** (*string* $identifier) inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Escapes a column/table/schema name abstract public *string* **escapeString** (*string* $str) inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Escapes a value to avoid SQL injections abstract public *array* **convertBoundParams** (*string* $sqlStatement, *array* $params) inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Converts bound params like :name: or ?1 into ? bind params abstract public *int* **lastInsertId** ([*string* $sequenceName]) inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Returns insert id for the auto_increment column inserted in the last SQL statement abstract public *boolean* **begin** () inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Starts a transaction in the connection abstract public *boolean* **rollback** () inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Rollbacks the active transaction in the connection abstract public *boolean* **commit** () inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Commits the active transaction in the connection abstract public *boolean* **isUnderTransaction** () inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Checks whether connection is under database transaction abstract public *\PDO* **getInternalHandler** () inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Return internal PDO handler abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` [] **describeColumns** (*string* $table, [*string* $schema]) inherited from Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface Returns an array of Phalcon\\Db\\Column objects describing a table