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Class Phalcon\Db\Dialect

This is the base class to each database dialect. This implements common methods to transform intermediate code into its RDBM related syntax


public string limit (string $sqlQuery, int $number)

Generates the SQL for LIMIT clause


 $sql = $dialect->limit('SELECT * FROM robots', 10);
 echo $sql; // SELECT * FROM robots LIMIT 10

public string forUpdate (string $sqlQuery)

Returns a SQL modified with a FOR UPDATE clause


 $sql = $dialect->forUpdate('SELECT * FROM robots');
 echo $sql; // SELECT * FROM robots FOR UPDATE

public string sharedLock (string $sqlQuery)

Returns a SQL modified with a LOCK IN SHARE MODE clause


 $sql = $dialect->sharedLock('SELECT * FROM robots');
 echo $sql; // SELECT * FROM robots LOCK IN SHARE MODE

public string getColumnList (array $columnList)

Gets a list of columns with escaped identifiers


 echo $dialect->getColumnList(array('column1', 'column'));

public string getSqlExpression (array $expression, [string $escapeChar])

Transforms an intermediate representation for a expression into a database system valid expression

public string getSqlTable (array $table, [string $escapeChar])

Transform an intermediate representation for a schema/table into a database system valid expression

public string select (array $definition)

Builds a SELECT statement

public boolean supportsSavepoints ()

Checks whether the platform supports savepoints

public boolean supportsReleaseSavepoints ()

Checks whether the platform supports releasing savepoints.

public string createSavepoint (string $name)

Generate SQL to create a new savepoint

public string releaseSavepoint (string $name)

Generate SQL to release a savepoint

public string rollbackSavepoint (string $name)

Generate SQL to rollback a savepoint