Interface **Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface** ================================================== Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface initializer Methods --------- abstract public **__construct** (*string* $pattern, [*array* $paths], [*array|string* $httpMethods]) Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\Route constructor abstract public *string* **compilePattern** (*string* $pattern) Replaces placeholders from pattern returning a valid PCRE regular expression abstract public **via** (*string|array* $httpMethods) Set one or more HTTP methods that constraint the matching of the route abstract public **reConfigure** (*string* $pattern, [*array* $paths]) Reconfigure the route adding a new pattern and a set of paths abstract public *string* **getName** () Returns the route's name abstract public **setName** (*string* $name) Sets the route's name abstract public **setHttpMethods** (*string|array* $httpMethods) Sets a set of HTTP methods that constraint the matching of the route abstract public *string* **getRouteId** () Returns the route's id abstract public *string* **getPattern** () Returns the route's pattern abstract public *string* **getCompiledPattern** () Returns the route's pattern abstract public *array* **getPaths** () Returns the paths abstract public *string|array* **getHttpMethods** () Returns the HTTP methods that constraint matching the route abstract public static **reset** () Resets the internal route id generator