Interface **Phalcon\\Mvc\\ModelInterface** ========================================== Phalcon\\Mvc\\ModelInterface initializer Methods --------- abstract public **__construct** ([:doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` $dependencyInjector], [:doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ManagerInterface ` $modelsManager]) Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model constructor abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\ModelInterface ` **setTransaction** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\TransactionInterface ` $transaction) Sets a transaction related to the Model instance abstract public *string* **getSource** () Returns table name mapped in the model abstract public *string* **getSchema** () Returns schema name where table mapped is located abstract public **setConnectionService** (*string* $connectionService) Sets both read/write connection services abstract public **setWriteConnectionService** (*string* $connectionService) Sets the DependencyInjection connection service used to write data abstract public **setReadConnectionService** (*string* $connectionService) Sets the DependencyInjection connection service used to read data abstract public *string* **getReadConnectionService** () Returns DependencyInjection connection service used to read data abstract public *string* **getWriteConnectionService** () Returns DependencyInjection connection service used to write data abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface ` **getReadConnection** () Gets internal database connection abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface ` **getWriteConnection** () Gets internal database connection abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model ` **assign** (*array* $data, [*array* $columnMap]) Assigns values to a model from an array abstract public static :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model ` $result **cloneResultMap** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model ` $base, *array* $data, *array* $columnMap, [*int* $dirtyState], [*boolean* $keepSnapshots]) Assigns values to a model from an array returning a new model abstract public static :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model ` **cloneResult** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model ` $base, *array* $data, [*int* $dirtyState]) Assigns values to a model from an array returning a new model abstract public static **cloneResultMapHydrate** (*array* $data, *array* $columnMap, *int* $hydrationMode) Returns an hydrated result based on the data and the column map abstract public static :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ResultsetInterface ` **find** ([*array* $parameters]) Allows to query a set of records that match the specified conditions abstract public static :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\ModelInterface ` **findFirst** ([*array* $parameters]) Allows to query the first record that match the specified conditions abstract public static :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\CriteriaInterface ` **query** ([:doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` $dependencyInjector]) Create a criteria for a especific model abstract public static *int* **count** ([*array* $parameters]) Allows to count how many records match the specified conditions abstract public static *double* **sum** ([*array* $parameters]) Allows to calculate a summatory on a column that match the specified conditions abstract public static *mixed* **maximum** ([*array* $parameters]) Allows to get the maximum value of a column that match the specified conditions abstract public static *mixed* **minimum** ([*array* $parameters]) Allows to get the minimum value of a column that match the specified conditions abstract public static *double* **average** ([*array* $parameters]) Allows to calculate the average value on a column matching the specified conditions abstract public *boolean* **fireEvent** (*string* $eventName) Fires an event, implicitly calls behaviors and listeners in the events manager are notified abstract public *boolean* **fireEventCancel** (*string* $eventName) Fires an event, implicitly calls behaviors and listeners in the events manager are notified This method stops if one of the callbacks/listeners returns boolean false abstract public **appendMessage** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\MessageInterface ` $message) Appends a customized message on the validation process abstract public *boolean* **validationHasFailed** () Check whether validation process has generated any messages abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\MessageInterface ` [] **getMessages** () Returns all the validation messages abstract public *boolean* **save** ([*array* $data], [*array* $whiteList]) Inserts or updates a model instance. Returning true on success or false otherwise. abstract public *boolean* **create** ([*array* $data], [*array* $whiteList]) Inserts a model instance. If the instance already exists in the persistance it will throw an exception Returning true on success or false otherwise. abstract public *boolean* **update** ([*array* $data], [*array* $whiteList]) Updates a model instance. If the instance doesn't exist in the persistance it will throw an exception Returning true on success or false otherwise. abstract public *boolean* **delete** () Deletes a model instance. Returning true on success or false otherwise. abstract public *int* **getOperationMade** () Returns the type of the latest operation performed by the ORM Returns one of the OP_* class constants abstract public **refresh** () Refreshes the model attributes re-querying the record from the database abstract public *mixed* **readAttribute** (*string* $attribute) Reads an attribute value by its name abstract public **writeAttribute** (*string* $attribute, *mixed* $value) Writes an attribute value by its name abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ResultsetInterface ` **getRelated** (*string* $alias, [*array* $arguments]) Returns related records based on defined relations