Interface **Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface** ============================================== Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface initializer Methods --------- abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **setStatusCode** (*int* $code, *string* $message) Sets the HTTP response code abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Headers ` **getHeaders** () Returns headers set by the user abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **setHeader** (*string* $name, *string* $value) Overwrites a header in the response abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **setRawHeader** (*string* $header) Send a raw header to the response abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **resetHeaders** () Resets all the stablished headers abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **setExpires** (*DateTime* $datetime) Sets output expire time header abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **setNotModified** () Sends a Not-Modified response abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **setContentType** (*string* $contentType, [*string* $charset]) Sets the response content-type mime, optionally the charset abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **redirect** ([*string* $location], [*boolean* $externalRedirect], [*int* $statusCode]) Redirect by HTTP to another action or URL abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **setContent** (*string* $content) Sets HTTP response body abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **setJsonContent** (*string* $content) Sets HTTP response body. The parameter is automatically converted to JSON .. code-block:: php setJsonContent(array("status" => "OK")); abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **appendContent** (*string* $content) Appends a string to the HTTP response body abstract public *string* **getContent** () Gets the HTTP response body abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **sendHeaders** () Sends headers to the client abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **sendCookies** () Sends cookies to the client abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\ResponseInterface ` **send** () Prints out HTTP response to the client abstract public **setFileToSend** (*string* $filePath, [*string* $attachmentName]) Sets an attached file to be sent at the end of the request