Interface **Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface** =========================================== Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface initializer Methods --------- abstract public **__construct** (*array* $descriptor) Constructor for Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter abstract public *array* **fetchOne** (*string* $sqlQuery, [*int* $fetchMode], [*int* $placeholders]) Returns the first row in a SQL query result abstract public *array* **fetchAll** (*string* $sqlQuery, [*int* $fetchMode], [*int* $placeholders]) Dumps the complete result of a query into an array abstract public *boolean* **insert** (*string* $table, *array* $values, [*array* $fields], [*array* $dataTypes]) Inserts data into a table using custom RBDM SQL syntax abstract public *boolean* **update** (*string* $table, *array* $fields, *array* $values, [*string* $whereCondition], [*array* $dataTypes]) Updates data on a table using custom RBDM SQL syntax abstract public *boolean* **delete** (*string* $table, [*string* $whereCondition], [*array* $placeholders], [*array* $dataTypes]) Deletes data from a table using custom RBDM SQL syntax abstract public *string* **getColumnList** (*array* $columnList) Gets a list of columns abstract public *string* **limit** (*string* $sqlQuery, *int* $number) Appends a LIMIT clause to $sqlQuery argument abstract public *string* **tableExists** (*string* $tableName, [*string* $schemaName]) Generates SQL checking for the existence of a schema.table abstract public *string* **viewExists** (*string* $viewName, [*string* $schemaName]) Generates SQL checking for the existence of a schema.view abstract public *string* **forUpdate** (*string* $sqlQuery) Returns a SQL modified with a FOR UPDATE clause abstract public *string* **sharedLock** (*string* $sqlQuery) Returns a SQL modified with a LOCK IN SHARE MODE clause abstract public *boolean* **createTable** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, *array* $definition) Creates a table abstract public *boolean* **dropTable** (*string* $tableName, [*string* $schemaName], [*boolean* $ifExists]) Drops a table from a schema/database abstract public *boolean* **createView** (*unknown* $viewName, *array* $definition, [*string* $schemaName]) Creates a view abstract public *boolean* **dropView** (*string* $viewName, [*string* $schemaName], [*boolean* $ifExists]) Drops a view abstract public *boolean* **addColumn** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` $column) Adds a column to a table abstract public *boolean* **modifyColumn** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` $column) Modifies a table column based on a definition abstract public *boolean* **dropColumn** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, *string* $columnName) Drops a column from a table abstract public *boolean* **addIndex** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\IndexInterface ` $index) Adds an index to a table abstract public *boolean* **dropIndex** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, *string* $indexName) Drop an index from a table abstract public *boolean* **addPrimaryKey** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\IndexInterface ` $index) Adds a primary key to a table abstract public *boolean* **dropPrimaryKey** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName) Drops primary key from a table abstract public *boolean true* **addForeignKey** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ReferenceInterface ` $reference) Adds a foreign key to a table abstract public *boolean true* **dropForeignKey** (*string* $tableName, *string* $schemaName, *string* $referenceName) Drops a foreign key from a table abstract public *string* **getColumnDefinition** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` $column) Returns the SQL column definition from a column abstract public *array* **listTables** ([*string* $schemaName]) List all tables on a database abstract public *array* **listViews** ([*string* $schemaName]) List all views on a database abstract public *array* **getDescriptor** () Return descriptor used to connect to the active database abstract public *string* **getConnectionId** () Gets the active connection unique identifier abstract public *string* **getSQLStatement** () Active SQL statement in the object abstract public *string* **getRealSQLStatement** () Active SQL statement in the object without replace bound paramters abstract public *array* **getSQLVariables** () Active SQL statement in the object abstract public *array* **getSQLBindTypes** () Active SQL statement in the object abstract public *string* **getType** () Returns type of database system the adapter is used for abstract public *string* **getDialectType** () Returns the name of the dialect used abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\DialectInterface ` **getDialect** () Returns internal dialect instance abstract public *boolean* **connect** ([*array* $descriptor]) This method is automatically called in Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter\\Pdo constructor. Call it when you need to restore a database connection abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ResultInterface ` **query** (*string* $sqlStatement, [*array* $placeholders], [*array* $dataTypes]) Sends SQL statements to the database server returning the success state. Use this method only when the SQL statement sent to the server return rows abstract public *boolean* **execute** (*string* $sqlStatement, [*array* $placeholders], [*array* $dataTypes]) Sends SQL statements to the database server returning the success state. Use this method only when the SQL statement sent to the server don't return any row abstract public *int* **affectedRows** () Returns the number of affected rows by the last INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE reported by the database system abstract public *boolean* **close** () Closes active connection returning success. Phalcon automatically closes and destroys active connections within Phalcon\\Db\\Pool abstract public *string* **escapeIdentifier** (*string* $identifier) Escapes a column/table/schema name abstract public *string* **escapeString** (*string* $str) Escapes a value to avoid SQL injections abstract public *array* **convertBoundParams** (*string* $sqlStatement, *array* $params) Converts bound params like :name: or ?1 into ? bind params abstract public *int* **lastInsertId** ([*string* $sequenceName]) Returns insert id for the auto_increment column inserted in the last SQL statement abstract public *boolean* **begin** () Starts a transaction in the connection abstract public *boolean* **rollback** () Rollbacks the active transaction in the connection abstract public *boolean* **commit** () Commits the active transaction in the connection abstract public *boolean* **isUnderTransaction** () Checks whether connection is under database transaction abstract public *\PDO* **getInternalHandler** () Return internal PDO handler abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\IndexInterface ` [] **describeIndexes** (*string* $table, [*string* $schema]) Lists table indexes abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ReferenceInterface ` [] **describeReferences** (*string* $table, [*string* $schema]) Lists table references abstract public *array* **tableOptions** (*string* $tableName, [*string* $schemaName]) Gets creation options from a table abstract public *boolean* **useExplicitIdValue** () Check whether the database system requires an explicit value for identity columns abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\RawValue ` **getDefaultIdValue** () Return the default identity value to insert in an identity column abstract public *boolean* **supportSequences** () Check whether the database system requires a sequence to produce auto-numeric values abstract public *boolean* **createSavepoint** (*string* $name) Creates a new savepoint abstract public *boolean* **releaseSavepoint** (*string* $name) Releases given savepoint abstract public *boolean* **rollbackSavepoint** (*string* $name) Rollbacks given savepoint abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\AdapterInterface ` **setNestedTransactionsWithSavepoints** (*boolean* $nestedTransactionsWithSavepoints) Set if nested transactions should use savepoints abstract public *boolean* **isNestedTransactionsWithSavepoints** () Returns if nested transactions should use savepoints abstract public *string* **getNestedTransactionSavepointName** () Returns the savepoint name to use for nested transactions abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` [] **describeColumns** (*string* $table, [*string* $schema]) Returns an array of Phalcon\\Db\\Column objects describing a table