Class **Phalcon\\DI** ===================== *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` Phalcon\\DI is a component that implements Dependency Injection/Service Location of services and it's itself a container for them. Since Phalcon is highly decoupled, Phalcon\\DI is essential to integrate the different components of the framework. The developer can also use this component to inject dependencies and manage global instances of the different classes used in the application. Basically, this component implements the `Inversion of Control` pattern. Applying this, the objects do not receive their dependencies using setters or constructors, but requesting a service dependency injector. This reduces the overall complexity, since there is only one way to get the required dependencies within a component. Additionally, this pattern increases testability in the code, thus making it less prone to errors. .. code-block:: php set('request', 'Phalcon\Http\Request', true); //Using an anonymous function $di->set('request', function(){ return new Phalcon\Http\Request(); }, true); $request = $di->getRequest(); Methods --------- public **__construct** () Phalcon\\DI constructor public :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface ` **set** (*string* $name, *mixed* $definition, [*boolean* $shared]) Registers a service in the services container public :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface ` **setShared** (*string* $name, *mixed* $definition) Registers an "always shared" service in the services container public **remove** (*string* $name) Removes a service in the services container public :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface ` **attempt** (*string* $name, *mixed* $definition, [*boolean* $shared]) Attempts to register a service in the services container Only is successful if a service hasn't been registered previously with the same name public :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface ` **setRaw** (*string* $name, :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface ` $rawDefinition) Sets a service using a raw Phalcon\\DI\\Service definition public *mixed* **getRaw** (*string* $name) Returns a service definition without resolving public :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface ` **getService** (*string* $name) Returns a Phalcon\\DI\\Service instance public *mixed* **get** (*string* $name, [*array* $parameters]) Resolves the service based on its configuration public *mixed* **getShared** (*string* $name, [*array* $parameters]) Resolves a service, the resolved service is stored in the DI, subsequent requests for this service will return the same instance public *boolean* **has** (*string* $name) Check whether the DI contains a service by a name public *boolean* **wasFreshInstance** () Check whether the last service obtained via getShared produced a fresh instance or an existing one public :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\Service ` [] **getServices** () Return the services registered in the DI public *boolean* **offsetExists** (*string* $name) Check if a service is registered using the array syntax public **offsetSet** (*string* $name, *mixed* $definition) Allows to register a shared service using the array syntax .. code-block:: php ` $dependencyInjector) Set a default dependency injection container to be obtained into static methods public static :doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` **getDefault** () Return the lastest DI created public static **reset** () Resets the internal default DI