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Assets Management

Phalcon\Assets is a component that allows the developer to manage static resources such as css stylesheets or javascript libraries in a web application.

Phalcon\Assets\Manager is available in the services container, so you can add resources from any part of the application where the container is available.

Adding Resources

Assets supports two built-in resources: css and javascripts. You can create other resources if you need. The assets manager internally stores two default collections of resources one for javascript and another for css.

You can easily add resources to these collections like follows:


class IndexController extends Phalcon\Mvc\Controller
    public function index()

        //Add some local CSS resources

        //and some local javascript resources


Then in the views added resources can be printed:

        <title>Some amazing website</title>
        <?php $this->assets->outputCss() ?>

        <!-- ... -->

        <?php $this->assets->outputJs() ?>

Local/Remote resources

Local resources are those who’re provided by the same application and they’re located in the document root of the application. URLs in local resources are generated by the ‘url’ service, usually Phalcon\Mvc\Url.

Remote resources are those such as common library like jquery, bootstrap, etc. that are provided by a CDN.


//Add some local CSS resources
    ->addCss('//', false)
    ->addCss('css/style.css', true);


Collections groups resources of the same type, the assets manager implicitly creates two collections: css and js. You can create additional collections to group specific resources for ease of placing those resources in the views:


//Javascripts in the header

//Javascripts in the footer

Then in the views:

        <title>Some amazing website</title>
        <?php $this->assets->outputJs('header') ?>

        <!-- ... -->

        <?php $this->assets->outputJs('footer') ?>


Collections can be URL-prefixed, this allows to easily change from a server to other at any moment:


$scripts = $this->assets->collection('footer');

if ($config->enviroment == 'development') {
} else {


A chaineable syntax is available too:


$scripts = $assets

Custom Output

Methods outputJs and outputCss are available to generate the necessary HTML code according to each type of resources. You can override this method or print the resources manually in the following way:


foreach ($this->assets->collection('js') as $resource) {
    echo \Phalcon\Tag::javascriptInclude($resource->getPath());