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Class Phalcon\Loader

implements Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface

This component helps to load your project classes automatically based on some conventions


 //Creates the autoloader
 $loader = new Phalcon\Loader();

 //Register some namespaces
   'Example\Base' => 'vendor/example/base/',
   'Example\Adapter' => 'vendor/example/adapter/',
   'Example' => 'vendor/example/'

 //register autoloader

 //Requiring this class will automatically include file vendor/example/adapter/Some.php
 $adapter = Example\Adapter\Some();


public __construct ()

Phalcon\Loader constructor

public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager)

Sets the events manager

public Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface getEventsManager ()

Returns the internal event manager

public Phalcon\Loader setExtensions (array $extensions)

Sets an array of extensions that the Loader must check together with the path

public boolean getExtensions ()

Return file extensions registered in the loader

public Phalcon\Loader registerNamespaces (array $namespaces, [boolean $merge])

Register namespaces and their related directories

public getNamespaces ()

Return current namespaces registered in the autoloader

public Phalcon\Loader registerPrefixes (array $prefixes, [boolean $merge])

Register directories on which “not found” classes could be found

public getPrefixes ()

Return current prefixes registered in the autoloader

public Phalcon\Loader registerDirs (array $directories, [boolean $merge])

Register directories on which “not found” classes could be found

public getDirs ()

Return current directories registered in the autoloader

public Phalcon\Loader registerClasses (array $classes, [boolean $merge])

Register classes and their locations

public getClasses ()

Return the current class-map registered in the autoloader

public Phalcon\Loader register ()

Register the autoload method

public Phalcon\Loader unregister ()

Unregister the autoload method

public boolean autoLoad (string $className)

Makes the work of autoload registered classes

public string getFoundPath ()

Get the path when a class was found

public string getCheckedPath ()

Get the path the loader is checking for a path