Returning Responses =================== Part of the HTTP cycle is return responses to the clients. :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Response <../api/Phalcon_Http_Response>` is the Phalcon component designed to achieve this task. HTTP responses are usually composed by headers and body. The basic usage is the following: .. code-block:: php setStatusCode(404, "Not Found"); //Set the content of the response $response->setContent("Sorry, the page doesn't exist"); //Send response to the client $response->send(); Keep in mind that if you're using the full MVC stack there is no need to create responses manually. However, if you need to return a responde directly from a controller's action follow this example: .. code-block:: php setContent($feed->asString()); //Return the response return $response; } } Working with Headers -------------------- Headers are an important part of the whole HTTP response. It contains useful information about the response state like the HTTP status, type of response and much more. You can set headers in the following way: .. code-block:: php setHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf"); $response->setHeader("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"'); //Setting a raw header $response->setRawHeader("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); A :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Headers <../api/Phalcon_Http_Response_Headers>` bag internally manages headers. This class allows to manage headers before sending it to client: .. code-block:: php getHeaders(); //Get a header by its name $contentType = $response->getHeaders()->get("Content-Type"); Making Redirections ------------------- With :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Response <../api/Phalcon_Http_Response>` you can also make HTTP redirections: .. code-block:: php redirect(); //Making a redirection using the local base URI $response->redirect("posts/index"); //Making a redirection to an external URL $response->redirect("", true); //Making a redirection specifyng the HTTP status code $response->redirect("", true, 301); All internal URIs are generated using the 'url' service (by default :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Url `), in this way you can make redirections based on the routes you've currently defined in the application: .. code-block:: php redirect(array( "for" => "index-lang", "lang" => "jp", "controller" => "index" )); Note that making a redirection doesn't disable the view component, so if there is a view asociated with the current action it will be executed anyway. You can disable the view from a controller by executing $this->view->disable(); HTTP Cache ---------- One of the easiest ways to improve the performance in your applications also reducing the traffic is the HTTP Cache. Most modern browsers support HTTP caching and is one of the reasons why many websites are currently fast. The secret are the headers sent by the application when serving a page for the first time, these headers are: * *Expires:* With this header the application can set a date in the future or the past telling the browser when the page must expire. * *Cache-Control:* This header allows to specify how much time a page should be considered fresh in the browser. * *Last-Modified:* This header tells the browser which was the last time the site was updated avoiding page re-loads * *ETag:* An etag is a unique identifier that must be created including the modification timestamp of the current page Setting an Expiration Time ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The expiration date is one of the most easy and effective ways to cache a page in the client (browser). Starting from the current date we add over time, then, this will maintain the page stored in the browser cache until this date expires without requesting the content to the server again: .. code-block:: php modify('+2 months'); $response->setExpires($expireDate); The Response component automatically shows the date in GMT timezone in order as is expected in an Expires header. Moreover if we set a date in the past this will tell the browser to always refresh the requested page: .. code-block:: php modify('-10 minutes'); $response->setExpires($expireDate); Browsers relies on the client's clock to assess if this date has passed or not, the client clock can be modified to make pages expire, this may represent a limitation for this cache mechanism. Cache-Control ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This header provides a safer way to cache the pages served. We simply must specify a time in seconds telling the browser how much time it must keep the page in its cache: .. code-block:: php setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=86400'); The opposite effect (avoid page caching) is achieved in this way: .. code-block:: php setHeader('Cache-Control', 'private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); E-Tag ^^^^^ A "entity-tag" or "E-tag" is a unique identifier that helps the browser to realize if the page has changed or not between two requests. The identifier must be calculated taking into account that this must change if the content has changed previously served: .. code-block:: php 'created_at')); $eTag = md5($recentDate); //Send an E-Tag header $response->setHeader('E-Tag', $eTag);