Using Controllers ================= The controllers provide a number of methods that are called actions. Actions are methods on a controller that handle requests. By default all public methods on a controller map to actions and are accessible by an URL. Actions are responsible for interpreting the request and creating the response. Usually responses are in the form of a rendered view, but there are other ways to create responses as well. For instance, when you access an URL like this: http://localhost/blog/posts/show/2012/the-post-title Phalcon by default will decompose each part like this: +------------------------+----------------+ | **Phalcon Directory** | blog | +------------------------+----------------+ | **Controller** | posts | +------------------------+----------------+ | **Action** | show | +------------------------+----------------+ | **Parameter** | 2012 | +------------------------+----------------+ | **Parameter** | the-post-title | +------------------------+----------------+ In this case, the PostsController will handle this request. There is no a special location to put controllers in an application, they could be loaded using :doc:`autoloaders `, so you're free to organize your controllers as you need. Controllers must have the suffix "Controller" while actions the suffix "Action". A sample of a controller is as follows: .. code-block:: php `. By doing this, the controller can have easy access to the application services. Parameters without a default value are handled as required. Setting optional values for parameters is done as usual in PHP: .. code-block:: php dispatcher->getParam('year'); $postTitle = $this->dispatcher->getParam('postTitle'); } } Dispatch Loop ------------- The dispatch loop will be executed within the Dispatcher until there are no actions left to be executed. In the previous example only one action was executed. Now we'll see how "forward" can provide a more complex flow of operation in the dispatch loop, by forwarding execution to a different controller/action. .. code-block:: php flash->error("You don't have permission to access this area"); // Forward flow to another action $this->dispatcher->forward(array( "controller" => "users", "action" => "signin" )); } } If users don't have permissions to access a certain action then will be forwarded to the Users controller, signin action. .. code-block:: php `. Initializing Controllers ------------------------ :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Controller <../api/Phalcon_Mvc_Controller>` offers the initialize method, which is executed first, before any action is executed on a controller. The use of the "__construct" method is not recommended. .. code-block:: php settings = array( "mySetting" => "value" ); } public function saveAction() { if ($this->settings["mySetting"] == "value") { //... } } } Injecting Services ------------------ If a controller extends :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Controller <../api/Phalcon_Mvc_Controller>` then it has easy access to the service container in application. For example, if we have registered a service like this: .. code-block:: php set('storage', function() { return new Storage('/some/directory'); }, true); Then, we can access to that service in several ways: .. code-block:: php storage->save('/some/file'); //Accessing the service from the DI $this->di->get('storage')->save('/some/file'); //Another way to access the service using the magic getter $this->di->getStorage()->save('/some/file'); //Another way to access the service using the magic getter $this->getDi()->getStorage()->save('/some/file'); //Using the array-syntax $this->di['storage']->save('/some/file'); } } If you're using Phalcon as a full-stack framework, you can read the services provided :doc:`by default ` in the framework. Request and Response -------------------- Assuming that the framework provides a set of pre-registered services. We explain how to interact with the HTTP environment. The "request" service contains an instance of :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Request <../api/Phalcon_Http_Request>` and the "response" contains a :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Response <../api/Phalcon_Http_Response>` representing what is going to be sent back to the client. .. code-block:: php request->isPost() == true) { // Access POST data $customerName = $this->request->getPost("name"); $customerBorn = $this->request->getPost("born"); } } } The response object is not usually used directly, but is built up before the execution of the action, sometimes - like in an afterDispatch event - it can be useful to access the response directly: .. code-block:: php response->setStatusCode(404, "Not Found"); } } Learn more about the HTTP environment in their dedicated articles :doc:`request ` and :doc:`response `. Session Data ------------ Sessions help us maintain persistent data between requests. You could access a :doc:`Phalcon\\Session\\Bag <../api/Phalcon_Session_Bag>` from any controller to encapsulate data that need to be persistent. .. code-block:: php persistent->name = "Michael"; } public function welcomeAction() { echo "Welcome, ", $this->persistent->name; } } Using Services as Controllers ----------------------------- Services may act as controllers, controllers classes are always requested from the services container. Accordingly, any other class registered with its name can easily replace a controller: .. code-block:: php set('IndexController', function() { $component = new Component(); return $component; }); Creating a Base Controller -------------------------- Some application features like access control lists, translation, cache, and template engines are often common to many controllers. In cases like these the creation of a "base controller" is encouraged to ensure your code stays DRY_. A base controller is simply a class that extends the :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Controller <../api/Phalcon_Mvc_Controller>` and encapsulates the common functionality that all controllers must have. In turn, your controllers extend the "base controller" and have access to the common functionality. This class could be located anywhere, but for organizational conventions we recommend it to be in the controllers folder, e.g. apps/controllers/ControllerBase.php. We may require this file directly in the bootstrap file or cause to be loaded using any autoloader: .. code-block:: php ` events, implementing methods with those event names allow you to implement hook points before/after the actions are executed: .. code-block:: php getActionName() == 'save') { $this->flash->error("You don't have permission to save posts"); $this->dispatcher->forward(array( 'controller' => 'home', 'action' => 'index' )); return false; } } public function afterExecuteRoute($dispatcher) { // Executed after every found action } } .. _DRY:'t_repeat_yourself