Interface **Phalcon\\Mvc\\RouterInterface** =========================================== Phalcon\\Mvc\\RouterInterface initializer Methods --------- abstract public **setDefaultModule** (*string* $moduleName) Sets the name of the default module abstract public **setDefaultController** (*string* $controllerName) Sets the default controller name abstract public **setDefaultAction** (*string* $actionName) Sets the default action name abstract public **setDefaults** (*array* $defaults) Sets an array of default paths abstract public **handle** ([*string* $uri]) Handles routing information received from the rewrite engine abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **add** (*string* $pattern, [*string/array* $paths], [*string* $httpMethods]) Adds a route to the router on any HTTP method abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **addGet** (*string* $pattern, [*string/array* $paths]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is GET abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **addPost** (*string* $pattern, [*string/array* $paths]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is POST abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **addPut** (*string* $pattern, [*string/array* $paths]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is PUT abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **addDelete** (*string* $pattern, [*string/array* $paths]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is DELETE abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **addOptions** (*string* $pattern, [*string/array* $paths]) Add a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is OPTIONS abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **addHead** (*string* $pattern, [*string/array* $paths]) Adds a route to the router that only match if the HTTP method is HEAD abstract public **clear** () Removes all the defined routes abstract public *string* **getModuleName** () Returns processed module name abstract public *string* **getControllerName** () Returns processed controller name abstract public *string* **getActionName** () Returns processed action name abstract public *array* **getParams** () Returns processed extra params abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **getMatchedRoute** () Returns the route that matchs the handled URI abstract public *array* **getMatches** () Return the sub expressions in the regular expression matched abstract public *bool* **wasMatched** () Check if the router macthes any of the defined routes abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` [] **getRoutes** () Return all the routes defined in the router abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **getRouteById** (*string* $id) Returns a route object by its id abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Router\\RouteInterface ` **getRouteByName** (*string* $name) Returns a route object by its name