Class **Phalcon\\Db\\Column** ============================= *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Db\\ColumnInterface ` Allows to define columns to be used on create or alter table operations .. code-block:: php Column::TYPE_INTEGER, "size" => 10, "unsigned" => true, "notNull" => true, "autoIncrement" => true, "first" => true )); //add column to existing table $connection->addColumn("robots", null, $column); Constants --------- *integer* **TYPE_INTEGER** *integer* **TYPE_DATE** *integer* **TYPE_VARCHAR** *integer* **TYPE_DECIMAL** *integer* **TYPE_DATETIME** *integer* **TYPE_CHAR** *integer* **TYPE_TEXT** *integer* **TYPE_FLOAT** *integer* **TYPE_BOOLEAN** *integer* **BIND_PARAM_NULL** *integer* **BIND_PARAM_INT** *integer* **BIND_PARAM_STR** *integer* **BIND_PARAM_BOOL** *integer* **BIND_PARAM_DECIMAL** *integer* **BIND_SKIP** Methods --------- public **__construct** (*string* $columnName, *array* $definition) Phalcon\\Db\\Column constructor public *string* **getSchemaName** () Returns schema's table related to column public *string* **getName** () Returns column name public *int* **getType** () Returns column type public *int* **getSize** () Returns column size public *int* **getScale** () Returns column scale public *boolean* **isUnsigned** () Returns true if number column is unsigned public *boolean* **isNotNull** () Not null public *boolean* **isPrimary** () Column is part of the primary key? public *boolean* **isAutoIncrement** () Auto-Increment public *boolean* **isNumeric** () Check whether column have an numeric type public *boolean* **isFirst** () Check whether column have first position in table public *string* **getAfterPosition** () Check whether field absolute to position in table public *int* **getBindType** () Returns the type of bind handling public static *\Phalcon\Db\Column* **__set_state** (*array* $data) Restores the internal state of a Phalcon\\Db\\Column object