Class **Phalcon\\Crypt** ======================== *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\CryptInterface ` Provides encryption facilities to phalcon applications Methods --------- public *Phalcon\\Encrypt* **setCipher** (*string* $cipher) Sets the cipher algorithm public *string* **getCipher** () Returns the current cipher public *Phalcon\\Encrypt* **setMode** (*unknown* $mode) Sets the encrypt/decrypt mode public *string* **getMode** () Returns the current encryption mode public *Phalcon\\Encrypt* **setKey** (*string* $key) Sets the encryption key public *string* **getKey** () Returns the encryption key public *string* **encrypt** (*string* $text, [*string* $key]) Encrypts a text public *string* **decrypt** (*string* $text, [*string* $key]) Decrypts a text public *string* **encryptBase64** (*string* $text, [*string* $key]) Encrypts a text returning the result as a base64 string public *string* **decryptBase64** (*string* $text, [*string* $key]) Decrypt a text that is coded as a base64 string public *array* **getAvailableCiphers** () Returns a list of available cyphers public *array* **getAvailableModes** () Returns a list of available modes