Class **Phalcon\\Validation\\Message\\Group** ============================================= *implements* Countable, ArrayAccess, Iterator, Traversable Represents a group of validation messages Methods --------- public **__construct** ([*array* $messages]) Phalcon\\Validation\\Message\\Group constructor public :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\Message ` **offsetGet** (*string* $index) Gets an attribute a message using the array syntax .. code-block:: php ` $message) Sets an attribute using the array-syntax .. code-block:: php appendMessage(new Phalcon\Validation\Message('This is a message')); public **appendMessages** (*Phalcon\\Validation\\MessageInterface[]* $messages) Appends an array of messages to the group .. code-block:: php appendMessages($messagesArray); public *int* **count** () Returns the number of messages in the list public **rewind** () Rewinds the internal iterator public :doc:`Phalcon\\Validation\\Message ` **current** () Returns the current message in the iterator public *int* **key** () Returns the current position/key in the iterator public **next** () Moves the internal iteration pointer to the next position public *boolean* **valid** () Check if the current message the iterator is valid public static *Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Message\\Group* **__set_state** (*array* $group) Magic __set_state helps to re-build messages variable exporting