Interface **Phalcon\\Session\\AdapterInterface** ================================================ Phalcon\\Session\\AdapterInterface initializer Methods --------- abstract public **__construct** ([*array* $options]) Phalcon\\Session construtor abstract public **start** () Starts session, optionally using an adapter abstract public **setOptions** (*array* $options) Sets session options abstract public *array* **getOptions** () Get internal options abstract public *mixed* **get** (*string* $index, [*mixed* $defaultValue]) Gets a session variable from an application context abstract public **set** (*string* $index, *string* $value) Sets a session variable in an application context abstract public *boolean* **has** (*string* $index) Check whether a session variable is set in an application context abstract public **remove** (*string* $index) Removes a session variable from an application context abstract public *string* **getId** () Returns active session id abstract public *boolean* **isStarted** () Check whether the session has been started abstract public *boolean* **destroy** () Destroys the active session