Interface **Phalcon\\Mvc\\ViewInterface** ========================================= Phalcon\\Mvc\\ViewInterface initializer Methods --------- abstract public **setViewsDir** (*string* $viewsDir) Sets views directory. Depending of your platform, always add a trailing slash or backslash abstract public *string* **getViewsDir** () Gets views directory abstract public **setLayoutsDir** (*string* $layoutsDir) Sets the layouts sub-directory. Must be a directory under the views directory. Depending of your platform, always add a trailing slash or backslash abstract public *string* **getLayoutsDir** () Gets the current layouts sub-directory abstract public **setPartialsDir** (*string* $partialsDir) Sets a partials sub-directory. Must be a directory under the views directory. Depending of your platform, always add a trailing slash or backslash abstract public *string* **getPartialsDir** () Gets the current partials sub-directory abstract public **setBasePath** (*string* $basePath) Sets base path. Depending of your platform, always add a trailing slash or backslash abstract public **setRenderLevel** (*string* $level) Sets the render level for the view abstract public **setMainView** (*string* $viewPath) Sets default view name. Must be a file without extension in the views directory abstract public *string* **getMainView** () Returns the name of the main view abstract public **setLayout** (*string* $layout) Change the layout to be used instead of using the name of the latest controller name abstract public *string* **getLayout** () Returns the name of the main view abstract public **setTemplateBefore** (*string|array* $templateBefore) Appends template before controller layout abstract public **cleanTemplateBefore** () Resets any template before layouts abstract public **setTemplateAfter** (*string|array* $templateAfter) Appends template after controller layout abstract public **cleanTemplateAfter** () Resets any template before layouts abstract public **setParamToView** (*string* $key, *mixed* $value) Adds parameters to views (alias of setVar) abstract public **setVar** (*string* $key, *mixed* $value) Adds parameters to views abstract public *array* **getParamsToView** () Returns parameters to views abstract public *string* **getControllerName** () Gets the name of the controller rendered abstract public *string* **getActionName** () Gets the name of the action rendered abstract public *array* **getParams** () Gets extra parameters of the action rendered abstract public **start** () Starts rendering process enabling the output buffering abstract public **registerEngines** (*array* $engines) Register templating engines abstract public **render** (*string* $controllerName, *string* $actionName, [*array* $params]) Executes render process from dispatching data abstract public **pick** (*string* $renderView) Choose a view different to render than last-controller/last-action abstract public *string* **partial** (*string* $partialPath) Renders a partial view abstract public **finish** () Finishes the render process by stopping the output buffering abstract public :doc:`Phalcon\\Cache\\BackendInterface ` **getCache** () Returns the cache instance used to cache abstract public **cache** ([*boolean|array* $options]) Cache the actual view render to certain level abstract public **setContent** (*string* $content) Externally sets the view content abstract public *string* **getContent** () Returns cached ouput from another view stage abstract public *string* **getActiveRenderPath** () Returns the path of the view that is currently rendered abstract public **disable** () Disables the auto-rendering process abstract public **enable** () Enables the auto-rendering process abstract public **reset** () Resets the view component to its factory default values