Interface **Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface** =========================================== Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface initializer Methods --------- abstract public **__construct** (*string* $name, *mixed* $definition, [*boolean* $shared]) abstract public **getName** () Returns the service's name abstract public **setShared** (*boolean* $shared) Sets if the service is shared or not abstract public *boolean* **isShared** () Check whether the service is shared or not abstract public **setDefinition** (*mixed* $definition) Set the service definition abstract public *mixed* **getDefinition** () Returns the service definition abstract public *mixed* **resolve** ([*array* $parameters], [:doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` $dependencyInjector]) Resolves the service abstract public static :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\ServiceInterface ` **__set_state** (*array* $attributes) Restore the interal state of a service