Class **Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter\\Firephp** =========================================== *extends* abstract class :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\AdapterInterface ` .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` Sends logs to FirePHP .. code-block:: php log(Logger::ERROR, "This is an error"); $logger->error("This is another error"); Methods ------- public **getFormatter** () Returns the internal formatter public **logInternal** (*mixed* $message, *mixed* $type, *mixed* $time, *array* $context) Writes the log to the stream itself public **close** () Closes the logger public **setLogLevel** (*mixed* $level) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Filters the logs sent to the handlers that are less or equal than a specific level public **getLogLevel** () inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Returns the current log level public **setFormatter** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\FormatterInterface ` $formatter) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sets the message formatter public **begin** () inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Starts a transaction public **commit** () inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Commits the internal transaction public **rollback** () inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Rollbacks the internal transaction public **isTransaction** () inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Returns the whether the logger is currently in an active transaction or not public **critical** (*mixed* $message, [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sends/Writes a critical message to the log public **emergency** (*mixed* $message, [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sends/Writes an emergency message to the log public **debug** (*mixed* $message, [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sends/Writes a debug message to the log public **error** (*mixed* $message, [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sends/Writes an error message to the log public **info** (*mixed* $message, [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sends/Writes an info message to the log public **notice** (*mixed* $message, [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sends/Writes a notice message to the log public **warning** (*mixed* $message, [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sends/Writes a warning message to the log public **alert** (*mixed* $message, [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Sends/Writes an alert message to the log public **log** (*mixed* $type, [*mixed* $message], [*array* $context]) inherited from :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter ` Logs messages to the internal logger. Appends logs to the logger