Class **Phalcon\\Annotations\\Collection** ========================================== *implements* `Iterator `_, `Traversable `_, `Countable `_ .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` Represents a collection of annotations. This class allows to traverse a group of annotations easily .. code-block:: php getName(), PHP_EOL; } //Check if the annotations has a specific var_dump($classAnnotations->has("Cacheable")); //Get an specific annotation in the collection $annotation = $classAnnotations->get("Cacheable"); Methods ------- public **__construct** ([*array* $reflectionData]) Phalcon\\Annotations\\Collection constructor public **count** () Returns the number of annotations in the collection public **rewind** () Rewinds the internal iterator public :doc:`Phalcon\\Annotations\\Annotation ` **current** () Returns the current annotation in the iterator public **key** () Returns the current position/key in the iterator public **next** () Moves the internal iteration pointer to the next position public **valid** () Check if the current annotation in the iterator is valid public **getAnnotations** () Returns the internal annotations as an array public **get** (*mixed* $name) Returns the first annotation that match a name public **getAll** (*mixed* $name) Returns all the annotations that match a name public **has** (*mixed* $name) Check if an annotation exists in a collection